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Chronic Fatigue Specialist Brisbane - A Comprehensive Guide

Are you dreaming of sustained energy? Are you struggling with low, sluggish energy that makes it difficult for you to truly enjoy your life and live up to your full potential? I have helped hundreds of women and men reclaim their energy over the past 7 years. Let me help you too!

Why Listen To Me?

My story begins with Chronic Fatigue. When I was just 21 years old, I would consistently wake up exhausted and swollen.


I would cry at the drop of a hat from sheer exhaustion. I would fall asleep at 7pm, and struggled not to fall asleep during the day.


I couldn't think straight or recall simple words. I tried extreme measures like naltrexone for chronic fatigue syndrome and it gave me terrible sleep paralysis.


Prior to this, I was a highly driven and motivated young woman. I had a challenging job that I loved and would workout at the gym 5-6 times a week. By all respects, I seemed like a picture of health.


So what changed? How could things go down hill so quickly?

My list of symptoms gradually grew. I was soon diagnosed with the following medical conditions:


  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME-CFS (extreme fatigue)

  • Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) (Joint pains, acne, bloating, unrefreshed sleep)

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

  • Postural Orthostatic Tachicardia (POTS)

  • Clinical Anxiety (and very poor mental health)

  • Chronic Kidney Disease (Chronic swelling)

I was seeing doctors and specialists for a range of conditions and I had to get my kidney function tested every 2 weeks.


When I got ill, I was eating healthy, exercising and I had youth on my side. What could suddenly be causing each of these chronic illness conditions?​​


I saw a Functional Medicine Doctor in Brisbane who gave me some great insights and answers.


She connected each of my body systems and organs in a way that made sense. Roughly a year later, I had my energy back. Every single condition listed above improved or went away entirely.


That is when I knew I needed to become a Functional Medicine Practitioner myself. I also decided to become a chronic fatigue syndrome specialist.


I wanted to provide chronic fatigue syndrome alternative treatment that actually worked.

My Before & After

2.5 years of healing bridges these two photos. 


Unfortunately a photo cannot show you the difference in how I felt in these two photos.

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What Causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

what causes chronic fatigue syndrome

The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is different for everyone. I know that's not a clear answer, but it is important to come to terms with this.


Chronic fatigue is not a disease that you 'catch.' Rather, it is a protective response to your environment that causes a decrease in energy production.


What does this mean?


Firstly, it means that your body is reacting to SOMETHING.

There is a misconception in the health industry that things go wrong with our bodies. This is hardly true and shifts the focus onto things we cannot control.


Rather, our bodies react to our environment. If something in our environment is harmful, our body will respond to protect us.


In the instance of chronic fatigue, the body is slowing down energy production to protect us from various potential insults.


Here are some common offenders for chronic fatigue:


  • MTHFR Gene mutation causing vitamin B deficiency

  • Genetic mould allergies & being chronically exposed to mould

  • Chronic Inflammation causing iron deficiency anemia

  • Protein and B12 deficiency from not eating enough red meat

  • Chronic stress/trauma causing vagus nerve dysfunction

  • Parasite infections

  • Circadian dysfunction caused by an poor light environment

  • Lyme Disease

How To Cure Chronic Fatigue

Identify The Root Cause Behind Your Chronic Fatigue:

The key to getting your energy back is identifying why you lost it in the first place.


What risk factors in your environment are threatening to your genes?


  • Are you inside all day and not getting enough sunshine? 

  • Are you chronic stressed or a sufferer of trauma? 

  • Do you have the MTHFR gene?

  • Are you a vegan or vegetarian? 

  • Are you a marathon runner or an extreme sports person? 

  • Are you allergic to mould? Is there mould in your home or office?


These are some questions that may begin to uncover why you have chronic fatigue.


These questions only scratch at the surface, but they begin the process of identifying the cause.


Most of the time, there is no single cause and no single cure. Rather, there is a mixture of contributing factors and there is a mixture of cures.

Testing For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Once you have identified a couple of suspects, you can begin to test. Well chosen testing is the fastest root to the ideal treatment for chronic fatigue.



MTHFR Gene Mutation

Genetic testing for MTHFR mutations can help determine if you have variations in this gene that might affect folate metabolism and, consequently, levels of B vitamins.


Understanding one's MTHFR status can guide the supplementation strategy for B vitamins, particularly folate (B9) and B12, in their most bioavailable forms.


Genetic Mold Allergies & Mold Exposure

Mould Allergy Tests: Skin prick tests or specific IgE blood tests can identify mold allergies.


Mycotoxin Test: Urine tests for mycotoxins can help determine exposure to toxic molds.


Environmental Mould Testing: Assessing the living or working environment for mold can identify sources of chronic exposure.


Chronic Inflammation and Iron Deficiency Anemia
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC): To screen for anemia.

  • Ferritin and Iron Studies: To assess iron stores and rule out or confirm iron deficiency anemia.

  • High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP): To evaluate systemic inflammation.

  • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR): Another marker of inflammation.


Protein and B12 Deficiency
  • Serum Protein Electrophoresis: To assess overall protein levels and distribution.

  • Serum B12 Level: To detect B12 deficiency.

  • Methylmalonic Acid (MMA) Test: Elevated levels can indicate B12 deficiency, even if B12 levels are normal.


Chronic Stress/Trauma and Vagus Nerve Dysfunction
  • Heart Rate Variability (HRV): To assess the function of the autonomic nervous system and vagus nerve activity.

  • Cortisol Levels: Saliva or blood tests for cortisol can reveal patterns that may indicate chronic stress.

  • ACTH Levels: To assess how hard your body is working to stimulate cortisol


Parasite Infections
  • Stool Analysis: Comprehensive stool tests can identify parasitic infections, bacterial imbalances, and yeast overgrowth.

  • Ova and Parasite (O&P) Exam: Specific test for detecting parasites.

  • Complete microbiome mapping for chronic fatigue syndrome.


Circadian Dysfunction
  • Sleep Diary and Questionnaires: To assess sleep patterns and exposure to light.

  • Melatonin Levels: Saliva or blood tests for melatonin can provide insight into circadian rhythm status.

  • DUTCH cortisol testing or even a 24 hour cortisol test.

  • Actigraphy: Wearing a device to measure sleep-wake patterns over several days.

Conditions Related To Chronic Fatigue & How They Interplay 

Let's look into POTS and Fybromylagia and explore why they are often seen alongside CFS.

chronic fatigue and POTS

Many people who suffer with ME/CFS suffer with Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome aka POTS. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and POTS have many similarities and share common symptoms.


Why is this?


The same processes that drive chronic fatigue syndrome drive POTS.


Imagine your body is like a car, with various systems working together to keep it running smoothly.


POTS and CFS are conditions that occur when the body's internal systems are not functioning properly. It is similar to a car that is unable to maintain its usual speed or balance.


These conditions can cause problems in the body's ability to regulate functions.


This can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, and difficulty with daily activities.


These conditions share a lot in common, mostly because they stem from the body's struggle to keep things stable and safe.


Think of it like keeping the car on the road at a steady pace.

The Body's Control System Goes Haywire

Your body has a built-in control system (the autonomic nervous system) that's like the car's autopilot.


It manages everything from your heartbeat to your breathing without you having to think about it.


In both POTS and CFS, this autopilot has trouble doing its job properly.


Imagine driving a car that suddenly speeds up or slows down unexpectedly, making it hard to keep a steady pace.


This is similar to what happens in POTS, where standing up can make your heart race and make you feel dizzy.

The Body's Stress Response Gets Confused

Our bodies respond to stress like a car's alarm system responds to threats.


This system can malfunction in people with CFS and POTS, causing it to sound the alarm when it's not actually needed.


Think of it like a car alarm that goes off every time a leaf falls on it.


This drains the battery and makes the car less reliable when you need it.

Battling Invisible Bugs and Internal Conflicts

Both conditions often involve the immune system, which acts like the car's repair system.


It fixes problems and fights off invaders like toxins, allergens and heavy metals.


However, in POTS and CFS, this system is in overdrive or not working correctly.


This is similar to a repair team that's constantly tinkering even when nothing's wrong.


Further to this, the repair team are missing the real issues that need fixing.

Feeling Safe Is Key

In POTS and CFS, it's as though the body constantly thinks it's on the dangerous road.


It's always on edge, making it hard to maintain balance and feel good.


To put it simply, both POTS and CFS involve the body's internal systems not working as smoothly as they should. This affects everything from how the heart beats to how much energy you have.


In short, it's like a car that can't maintain a steady speed.


The alarm is too sensitive.

It has difficulty with repairs.

It always feels like it's going to run out of gas.


​Understanding these challenges is the first step towards finding ways to help the body (or the car) run more smoothly and feel better.

Fibromyalgia vs Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue commonly occurs alongside Fibromyalgia. When looking into a Specialist for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it's important for them to understand adjacent conditions.


Why is fibromyalgia seen alongside chronic fatigue and what are the similarities and differences?


They might not look exactly the same, but dig a little deeper, and you'll find they share some common roots.


Here's a simplified rundown of what might be going on beneath the surface. We will include some newer insights like the impact of stress, mineral deficiencies, and our circadian rhythm (internal clock)

Heavy Metals, Chronic Inflammation & Dehydration.

Imagine your body dealing with unwanted guests like heavy metals (think lead or mercury), constant low-level inflammation, or a lack of water in your connective tissue (fascia).


These issues can impact how our cells produce energy, increase pain, or even throw our immune system into overdrive.


Both fibromyalgia and CFS can stem from these body stresses.

The Stress Connection

Life's tough moments or ongoing stress can really do a number on us, affecting both fibromyalgia and CFS.


It's like our body's stress management system (the HPA axis) starts glitching, messing with our stress hormones and making us feel all sorts of tired and achy.

Running on Empty

Our bodies are like high-tech machines that need the right kind of fuel.


Missing out on key minerals like magnesium, iron, and zinc can lead to muscle aches, brain fog, and that feeling of being perpetually run down.


Hence, mineral imbalances can play a role in both symptoms of ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.

Tying it Together

So, why do fibromyalgia and CFS often come as a package deal?


It looks like they share some deep-rooted issues—like handling stress poorly, not getting enough of certain minerals, and our body clocks being off.


This doesn't mean they're the same thing, though. Fibromyalgia makes pain feel really intense, like the volume knob is turned up.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome feels like trying to run a marathon with no energy.


Understanding these shared roots helps us see why just dealing with the symptoms might not be enough.


It's like patching up leaks without fixing the plumbing.


A more rounded approach, tackling these underlying issues, could be the key to feeling better.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diet

The best diet for Chronic Fatigue depends on the root cause of the fatigue.


For example, chronic fatigue syndrome that is caused by mineral imbalance may be cured with a mineral balancing diet.


Chronic fatigue resulting from parasite infections may benefit from a 'weed and feed' diet.


Chronic fatigue that is caused by chronic heavy metal toxicity may benefit from a diet rich in minerals that help to 'push out' the specific metal/s.


Do you see where I am going with this?


Once you know what the root causes are, you can use diet to support the cure.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and NADH

Why: CoQ10 and NADH are used to boost energy levels and reduce fatigue by helping convert food into energy. CoQ10 is a substance, while NADH is a form of niacin. 


They are thought to help cells' energy powerhouses, called mitochondria, work better. These are often not working well in ME/CFS.

Vitamin B12

Why: Vitamin B12 is crucial for nerve health, energy production, and the creation of red blood cells.


Some ME/CFS patients have low levels of B12, and supplementation can help improve energy levels and cognitive function.


Why: Magnesium is important for muscles, nerves, energy, and regulating nutrients in the body.


People with ME/CFS may experience magnesium deficiency, contributing to muscle pain, cramps, and fatigue. Supplementing with magnesium can help alleviate these symptoms.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Why: Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil and flaxseed oil, have anti-inflammatory properties.


Omega-3 supplements can help with inflammation, brain function, and fatigue in ME/CFS. This is because they reduce inflammation and boost brain health.


Why: D-Ribose is a sugar involved in energy production. Taking D-Ribose can increase energy production in cells.


This can lead to more energy, improved sleep, and better overall well-being for people with ME/CFS.



L-Carnitine helps produce energy by moving fatty acids into mitochondria to burn for energy production.


Researchers have studied its potential to reduce fatigue and improve muscle function in ME/CFS patients.

Good gut health is important in ME/CFS because some patients experience stomach problems and changes in gut bacteria.


This can impact their overall health and well-being. Maintaining a healthy gut can help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life for individuals with ME/CFS.


It is crucial to address gut health as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for managing this condition.


Probiotics can help restore a healthy gut flora balance, which may improve digestion, immunity, and overall health.

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